Sunday, March 17, 2024

 Post 1: Five Sources of News

1. TikTok is primarily where I learn about what's going on in the world. The platform allows people with all different kinds of views to speak their minds. It also allows other creators to "stitch" other people's videos so that they can show the original video on their own. They will typically show the "stitched" video, then cut to themselves with a response. The comment section allows further discussion on the topics being discussed as well. Another advantage of the platform is that it allows news of any kind onto the platform ranging from celebrity news to global events.

2. YouTube is another source of where I can hear about what's going on. I typically stick to news related to gaming, other content creators, and updates about the platform itself. Like TikTok, YouTube allows a variety of ways to interact with one another. Videos can address one another, the comment section can hold debates there, and with the recent addition of "YouTube Live", creators can have live broadcasts discussing current events. News outlets also have a presence on YouTube, so it allows you to stay with the sources you're familiar with, or explore new ones.

3. Another source of information for me is my family. The news we typically talk about is directly tied to our lives; work, school, family, etc. With such a close tie to our lives, I do take this news pretty seriously. It allows me to know what my family's schedule is like and to help understand how they are feeling too. The process for getting this news is pretty casual, which only encourages me to do it pretty often.

4. My friends are also an outlet for news to me. They keep me up to date about what's going on in their lives, any environments we share together, and other areas of interest we both have. Similarly with my family, with this information, I can know how they are doing and what they might be doing too. 

5. Twitch is an exclusively live broadcasting platform. On an odd occasion, I'll use it. I typically use it to stay updated on what is going on with recent video game releases and the current state of others. There are a wide variety of "streamers" to watch and listen to. Each live stream also has an active comment section constantly being updated as people leave their comments. 

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Post 8

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