Sunday, March 17, 2024

Blog 2 Supreme Court Videos

  • What did you learn about the Supreme Court that you didn't already know?
Something new I learned about the Supreme Court was how long it takes them to decide which cases they will take. They take weeks to release their "opinions" on the cases they are given. After that, they will hand out copies to the reporters who will write articles in a matter of minutes or hours. The "opinions" they have been given are also incredibly long. They range from around ten pages to as many as eighty. The Justices really take their time and are thorough in their rulings, because they have to be. They represent the highest level of justice available in our country, so they can't do anything haphazardly.
  • What is the most important takeaway point about the Supreme Court?
  I think my biggest takeaway, is how meticulous the Supreme Court is as a system. The Court has a thorough chain of communication to it. It has a number of court clerks who help read over the case files, do research for the "opinions", and generally make it possible for the Justices to carry out their duties. Without these clerks, the Justices would be swamped with thousands of case files that they'd have to comb through. Instead, they only have to go through about a hundred a week because the clerks do a preliminary elimination of the cases they receive.
  • What was the most surprising thing you learned?
The most surprising thing that I learned about was that Justices aren't allowed to bring forward cases. It made sense when I learned about it, but I thought that was something they could do. The video puts it best by saying that they have to address what the country brought to them. 
  • How did the video change the way you thought of the Supreme Court?
This video managed to humanize the Supreme Court affecting how I view them. I have only had a surface level of knowledge about this branch of the government. Being able to hear about the process of this branch and the thought processes of the Justices really grounded my views about them.

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